Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I KNOW! I KNOW! It's been too long since my last post! Forgive me!
Summer vacation is over and I went back to work full-time on Aug. 18. This week, my teachers returned and school begins Sept. 3!

Our family is doing great. Christopher is now five weeks old (as of Sunday, Aug 24) and is maturing gradually. For the past couple nights, he has slept better so we are sleeping better. Last Friday, we took him to his first baseball game. Back in mid-July, following our church's Children's Ministry musical performance, we won four door prize tickets to a Quakes game for August 22. I took a picture of him with my cell phone (above).

Emily is growing in maturity and stature (and darkening in hue!). She is looking forward to starting school. She will be in Fourth Grade (can you believe it??), assigned to a Third/Fourth Combination class. Matthew is starting First Grade, and is assigned to a First/Second Grade Combination class. Combo classes are not our school's optimal situation, but the decreased school enrollment California schools are experiencing across the state have mandated that situation and our school has done it before; our teachers know how to make it work and of course there are some great advantages to such a setting!

Susan is feeling much better. She has decided not to return to work until Nov. 1. She had a hernia during pregnancy that requires surgery to fix, and this will give her more time to recover and spend more time with the baby.

Me? I always look forward to a new school year. I love kids and my teachers and colleagues, and I usually love working with my students' parents. I learned that I will be teaching TWO Junior High Bible classes--both 7th Grade. So I'll have many of the kids I had last year, which is nice. But teaching two classes as opposed to my usual one will make my job as Elementary Principal a little more challenging. Yet I know that God is in control and I put my trust in Him! I am not worried in the least! I work with a great bunch of people who are all devoted to God's work, and it is a true joy to work with them every day!