Saturday, May 9, 2009


I went by myself to see it tonight. I sort of agree with Jason's review, that it wasn’t as “different” as maybe it was billed to be. In fact, call me crazy, but it actually reminded me a little of the most RECENT “Star Trek” movie, “Nemesis,” which everyone hated (but me).


I liked it. My biggest complaint, though, is the big (and I mean HUGE) thing they wrote into the story that permanently changes everything in the “future” (meaning, PAST) episodes and films. I’m talking about the **SPOILER--highlight to read** destruction of Vulcan, and to a lesser degree, the death of Amanda. But I “get it” that this movie is a literal “reboot” which means the possible forthcoming adventures for THIS cast is whatever the writers want it to be. But as a longtime fan of the previous franchise, that bugged me a little. But only a little. Great movie, and I found myself “choking up” a tad during certain moments as the characters I’ve loved since childhood were developed more fully. I had several “Wow–that makes sense!” moments, and I also enjoyed the ironic moments, such as **SPOILER** when Bones says he likes Spock after their first encounter. Too funny!

Friday, May 8, 2009


OK, I hate to sound like a broken record lately with my post topics, but remember those entertainment items I'm really looking forward to?

Well, Dream Theater (one of my absolute, all-time favorite bands for the past 14 years) has released a video for their new single, "A Rite Of Passage." Check it out! Awesome! Their new album, Black Clouds & Silver Linings is due out on June 23.

Along the same lines, perhaps the most influential band in my life, Stryper, has released their second single from their forthcoming album Murder By Pride (due July 21), entitled "Eclipse of the Son." You can download it from iTunes. Their first single from this album was actually released months ago on iTunes, a cover of Boston's classic "Peace of Mind." The band will be releasing a new song each Tuesday from now until the release of Murder By Pride, but as each new song is released, the previous one is removed. So in other words, you only have one week to download each new song!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Doth mine ears deceive me? I am hearing of an official announcement by Activision that it is developing the oft-rumored Guitar Hero: Van Halen game.


Saturday, May 2, 2009


The first Saturday in May is traditionally "Free Comic Book Day." Thanks to Jason for teaching me that!

I took Matthew over to 4 Color Fantasies in Rancho Cucamonga this Saturday for this cool event. We got the autograph of a comic book artist, had pictures taken with various Star Wars and comic book characters, and got 10 FREE comic books! We also ran into some friends including Jason and his family. The day was capped by a lunch at IHOP for Daddy and Spider-Matt!