Sunday, December 13, 2009


This clip is hil...arious! Sauce for the goose...

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I know it's a little late to be talking about Thanksgiving, but it's still important! :)

We spent Thanksgiving this year in Stockton, Todd's hometown where his parents still live. Todd's brother and family also were in Stockton, and it was nice to be with everyone. The dinner was wonderful, and so was the company!

We had planned on returning home the Saturday after Thanksgiving, but Todd wanted to see his elderly grandmother who is in a nursing home in Turlock with a bad virus. Not long after Todd returned to his parents' house Saturday afternoon, he came down with the stomach flu. Amazingly, Emily also came down with it in the exact same hour! Susan was going to try to pack early Sunday morning and drive us all home herself (Todd and Emily had recovered in the middle of the night), but then both she and Matthew came down with it Sunday morning! It was a nightmare. Susan and Matthew remained sick all day Sunday, so we had to take Monday off and travel then. Thankfully, neither Todd's grandmother nor his parents contracted the flu after our departure. In hindsight, we think we brought it with us from SoCal and we think Christopher got it first, because Friday night he threw up once but never exhibited any other symptoms and otherwise seemed OK.

Todd is most thankful for his job this year.