Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Waiting Is Over!

Christopher Martin was born on July 20 at 5:45 p.m., weighing 7 lbs 8 oz and measuring 20 in. in length. While he was born very quickly, there was some initial concern.

Susan had woken up on Sunday morning at around 2:30 with very hard contractions, but they were sporadic in their timing. She took a bath and paid attention to the continuing contractions. At around 7:00 that morning, she told me that we needed to take the kids to Nana and Papa's so they could take them to church while we did some heavy duty walking. She knew that this was going to be the day Christopher arrived.

We spent about 2 hours walking around the Ontario Mills mall, and the contractions continued but again, remained mostly sporadic. They averaged about 10 mins apart, however, so we figured we would go in to the hospital anyway.

At Labor & Delivery triage, they determined that Susan was not in labor, and that she was only dilated 2 cm and 20% effaced. We were so discouraged! However, Linda, one of the alert nurses on duty, noticed that the baby's heartbeat was sinking very low about every 10 minutes or so. We could hear her discussing this with the doctor behind the curtain. Next thing we knew, the doctor was performing an ultrasound! There was our fully-developed baby right there on the screen! So incredible! What the doctor was trying to determine was the amount of fluid in the uterus. Turns out the reading was "borderline," and so they decided to go ahead and induce. We were admitted at 2:30 that afternoon, and by 5:45 Christopher was here!

Today is his due date (smile), and he is doing wonderfully. Leave it to the Lord to have all three of our children born on Sundays, and this one born on the 49th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing--just to let me know that He is with us (me, being a huge NASA geek)!
And so, without further adieu...


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