Friday, January 16, 2009


Last night we received word that those who were deciding the fate of the school gave a verdict: The sale of the campus will go through and the local church will remain dissolved.

Obviously, everyone at the school is devastated and stunned by this news. Going in to work today will be very tough.

Matthew cried last night.

Susan and I are weighing our options for the future. Your prayers are coveted.

God, make Yourself known.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I'm going to try to do more updates in 2009, I really, really promise!!

Today, I am praying for Truth; that honesty would guide our churches, and the leaders in our cities, states, and federal governments. And I pray for God's will to be done.

By the end of this week, a decision should be made that will affect the future of the school I work at and which my children attend. I hope my next post is good news...

In the meantime, Baby Christopher is now almost 6 months old. He is finally starting to sleep "better" at night (waking only once, on average). We still wait for the day he decides to stay asleep all night--we are confident that that morning is right around the corner!

Our family had a very nice Holiday season. Christmas was glorious, as always, and we brought in the New Year together. And (gasp!), Emily just turned 10!! Life is good...because God is good!