Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I'm going to try to do more updates in 2009, I really, really promise!!

Today, I am praying for Truth; that honesty would guide our churches, and the leaders in our cities, states, and federal governments. And I pray for God's will to be done.

By the end of this week, a decision should be made that will affect the future of the school I work at and which my children attend. I hope my next post is good news...

In the meantime, Baby Christopher is now almost 6 months old. He is finally starting to sleep "better" at night (waking only once, on average). We still wait for the day he decides to stay asleep all night--we are confident that that morning is right around the corner!

Our family had a very nice Holiday season. Christmas was glorious, as always, and we brought in the New Year together. And (gasp!), Emily just turned 10!! Life is good...because God is good!

1 comment:

Darin Brown said...

Good to read your update. We will be praying and waiting to hear the news at the end of the week. Baby Christopher is such a cutie!
