Saturday, May 9, 2009


I went by myself to see it tonight. I sort of agree with Jason's review, that it wasn’t as “different” as maybe it was billed to be. In fact, call me crazy, but it actually reminded me a little of the most RECENT “Star Trek” movie, “Nemesis,” which everyone hated (but me).


I liked it. My biggest complaint, though, is the big (and I mean HUGE) thing they wrote into the story that permanently changes everything in the “future” (meaning, PAST) episodes and films. I’m talking about the **SPOILER--highlight to read** destruction of Vulcan, and to a lesser degree, the death of Amanda. But I “get it” that this movie is a literal “reboot” which means the possible forthcoming adventures for THIS cast is whatever the writers want it to be. But as a longtime fan of the previous franchise, that bugged me a little. But only a little. Great movie, and I found myself “choking up” a tad during certain moments as the characters I’ve loved since childhood were developed more fully. I had several “Wow–that makes sense!” moments, and I also enjoyed the ironic moments, such as **SPOILER** when Bones says he likes Spock after their first encounter. Too funny!

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