Friday, January 16, 2009


Last night we received word that those who were deciding the fate of the school gave a verdict: The sale of the campus will go through and the local church will remain dissolved.

Obviously, everyone at the school is devastated and stunned by this news. Going in to work today will be very tough.

Matthew cried last night.

Susan and I are weighing our options for the future. Your prayers are coveted.

God, make Yourself known.


Shirley said...

Todd and Susan,
Over the years of serving God I have learned that for those who seek His will, God will take a bad situation and turn it into something good or better, or will open doors to other avenues. I can't wait to see the miracle God is going to give you! We are experiencing that right now and I am just sitting back and watching it unfold and thanking God for His provisions----God is amazing! All my love, Aunt Shirley

Anonymous said...
check it out!