Thursday, April 23, 2009


Hello, everyone! I'll bet you were surprised to see that there actually was an update to this blog, if you subscribe to an RSS for it!

I apologize for the lack of updates. I was reflecting on it, and I think the main reason is that I am also on Facebook, as are many of you. So you get to see much more frequent updates from me or Susan there. But the other reason I haven't blogged in a while is because of all that is still going on with regard to my work situation.

Suffice it to say, however, that, as far as my work situation goes, things are looking very good and very promising! I am not "spreading it around" my current campus just yet, but I am happy to let my friends and family know that I have been hired at a brand-new school as the Elementary Principal. This school is what our well-resourced group of zealous and passionate parents started, and God did the rest (as in, all the big things that were beyond the parents' reach). It boasts brand-new facilities at a mega-church; it will, however, be an INDEPENDENT school (in contrast to where I am now, which is affiliated with the Nazarene church). Check out the new school here!

So far, we've already enrolled over 300 students K-12, which is miraculous in and of itself. At this time, I ask you to continue to pray, specifically for some of my current teachers. Right now, I am only able to bring seven of them with me to the new school, plus two Specialists. I have ten teachers under my supervision at my present school. In this economy, I am very concerned about my remaining three finding jobs if enrollment at the new school does not increase sufficiently enough for me to re-hire them.

As far as what is happening at my current school's campus sale situation: It seems amazing to me, but escrow still hasn't closed for the other school to purchase it. I have heard rumors that the Nazarene District, which officially owns the campus, has repeatedly decreased the price to help the other school obtain funding, but still it eludes them. I really do feel sorry for the other school, despite my own disappointment with how they themselves have handled the situation. I do pray that their school survives this process and that they are able to flourish.

Next I'll post an update about our family, which is what you really are visiting this blog for, right?

1 comment:

mommy3 said...

Amazing news!!! God is definitely in control. I trust HE holds the school and the three teachers in His hand.

Jenn B.